Jason McMaster

Coming Soon to a Browser Near You…

So, err, site under construction, but welcome anyway. Now if you got here looking for the author, you’re partially in the right place. However this is more like my hub. I suggest you visit [site pending] or navigate to my author page.

Next on the agenda: “Why does it take so long?” Well, I’m still new to WordPress. Since I used it last in the early 2010s, much has changed. I’ve gotten used to creating things in good old HTML and CSS, and to be honest, it would’ve been faster than this. But I bought this hosting package because it handled a lot of nuisances for me and it’s a minor trade-off. [Re]Learning WordPress is a minor inconvenience.

So, I suppose I should give you a quick intro

I’m an aspiring novelist — hopefully less aspiring and more published soon — as well as a game dev — sorta published, I made it available — coder, and general geek. I hate long walks on the beach, I’m not a dog lover, and I don’t celebrate holidays other than the obligatory texts to friends, family, and random people in my address book whose names I’ve forgotten — yes, mere J_Smiths.

I like older games, pre-PS3 era, I enjoy a good book, and I like older western films and foreign modern ones. I prefer what some may call “older” anime and manga for its Eastern-style storytelling and I think it’s been a major influence on my own style. I prefer European bands to U.S. ones, but I’ve practically given up on modern music as I have modern entertainment in general — to put is mildly, it’s like store-bought premade meals… with less flavour. I also have a passion for Open Source Software (not necessarily free, just open to public scrutiny and user-modification). However my choice to run Linux (Debian mainly) has nothing to do with that and everything to do with most Linux distros are easier to use than Windows — and that’s a personal thing.

And that’s more or less me. I will put something decent on this site… eventually. For now what you see is what you get: A site under construction landing page.